Our Club
Our club provides competitive and social netball opportunities for all participants who want to play, umpire or coach, and welcome all ages and levels of experience and ability.
Our club values friendship, community spirit, teamwork and respect to all members – from our volunteers to our umpires and parents.
Our Volunteers and Life Members are active and engaged members in our organisation, and we are grateful and thankful for their outstanding contributions to the development of netball with us. Without their support we wouldn’t be able to do what we do!

Our History
Welcome to the Coogee family. We are a club in the Eastern suburbs of Sydney, The club began over 36 years ago with a barbeque when a couple of blokes wanted to start their own club for their daughters. They found enough players for a couple of teams and found some coaches and the Coogee netball club was born.
Since then, we have gone from strength to strength and now have over 275 players representing our club – juniors (10-15 years), inters (15-17 year olds), seniors (18+) and of course our little NetSetGO’s (7-9 years). We are a not-for-profit club and rely on our volunteers to help the club run – whether you can help manage a team, coach, umpire or just want to help out occasionally like putting up the tent on Saturday, we always welcome willing participants.
Over 4,000 players use the courts each Saturday at the Heffron Netball Courts. We look forward to you joining us in your netball journey.
Training & Game Day Locations