Frequently Asked Questions
Please see our Frequently Asked Questions below. If you have any other queries, please email us at
Please correctly fill out the score card as per the example below.
If a player’s name is not printed on the scorecard and their name has to be handwritten on the card, then there is something wrong. If their name is not printed on the card then they are either not registered in PlayHQ at all, or they are not allocated to the appropriate team. From this week RNA will start penalising clubs for incorrect scorecard completion. Sample scorecard is on their website and attached below.
Remember to fill in all of the areas on the back of the scorecard. Don’t leave any blanks
How much does it cost to register?
NetsetGO (7-9 years) - $283
Junior (10-15 years) - $293
Intermediate (16-17 years) - $303
Inters (18 years)Seniors - $326
You must turn 7 years of age by December 2024 to be eligible to
How to forfeit
If you do not have enough players, please message via the WhatsApp group to see if there are any players from grades below that can help.
If you still need to forfeit, please email us: by Friday 5pm with your team name, division, opponent, game time and court number to confirm you need to forfeit. Someone will still need to sign the card on the day and return it to the control tower to say you have forfeited.
How do I register?
You will need to register yourself or a family member with PlayHQ and create an account. If you are a parent you can register yourself and add family members to your account or allow your child to create their own account and register themselves.
Can I use my Active Kids Voucher?
Yes. Download your Active Kids Voucher before starting the registration process so that you can enter your voucher number into your registration.
Parents, guardians and carers can apply for a voucher for each school-enrolled child in their care aged 4.5 to 18 years.
The Active Kids Voucher will discount your netball fees by $50.
How do I buy a uniform?
You can buy your uniform when you register on our PlayHQ site or via our Shop on this site. We now have 2 options for our uniform, the dress or the 2 piece - shorts and singlet top. Both are priced at $40. Black netball shorts can be purchased from any good sporting retailer.
Optional socks can be purchased for $10.